It’s Easter time! I know that not everyone celebrates this holiday (and if that’s you, feel free to skip this post). For me the most important thing by far is remembering Jesus rising from the dead to clear our sins. But it’s also fun to celebrate spring with bunnies and candy-filled eggs and chocolate, so […]
Christmas Gifts to Knit (When You’re Getting Short on Time)

We’re coming up fast on Christmas (we’re almost at Thanksgiving in the US, which means it’s allowable to talk about it) and the other winter holidays. Some of us may have finished our Christmas knitting, but some may not. (The year before last I didn’t finish Little Bear’s hat until after midnight on Christmas Eve.) […]
Knit and Crochet Kitchen Essentials

Having spent a lot of extra time at home over the last several months due to Covid-19, I’ve spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I’ve been cooking dinners at home (not that that’s unusual for us), but I’ve also been experimenting with baking. My little helpers and I have made chocolate chip cookies, […]
10 Knit Summer Tops

Summer vacation does not mean it’s time to stop knitting! (You knew that already, though, right?) Summer means lighter knits and cute summer tops, and I have a roundup of both! These summery tops are the perfect lightweight projects for sunny weather. Tanks Tejela by Tanja Loumai Balta by Gudrun Johnston Woodstock by DROPS Design […]
Brioche Knitting Patterns

A year or two ago, everyone’s list of New Year’s knitting resolutions included learning to knit brioche. Did yours? How did the knitting go—did you try brioche? Did you love it? If you haven’t tried it yet and you want to try something easy, start with my Easy Color Block Brioche Scarf. It’s super simple […]
12 Knit Shawl Patterns

I’ve been on a shawl kick lately. My current project is a shawl; my next project that I’m dying to start is also a shawl. I don’t know what it is—I just love how comforting it is to wrap something warm and soft around my shoulders, and I love the look of wearing a shawl […]
Kids’ Halloween Costumes

Happy Halloween! Can we agree right now that kids’ costumes can be the cutest things ever (particularly when they’re on the cutest kids ever)? I looove seeing my boys in their Halloween costumes. Last year they were Buzz Lightyear and a triceratops. This year we’re looking at a stormtrooper and an elephant. And I will […]
8 Crochet Beach Cover Ups

It’s a bit late for beach cover ups here in the US. We’re moving toward sweater weather instead. But this roundup was inspired by my own trip to the beach in June (where I got a pretty fierce sunburn). And if you’re anything like me, with too many projects going at once, it may take […]
7 Mosaic Knitting Patterns

I fell in love with mosaic patterns when I started experimenting with the technique a couple of months ago, so of course I had to see what patterns are out there using this easy but amazing colorwork method. Be prepared for gorgeousness. Seriously. If you’re not familiar with mosaic knitting, I included an overview in […]
Yarn-Crafting for Charity

What I love most about our yarn-crafting community is how so many people want to get involved and give back with their knitting/crocheting, and also how many opportunities there are to do that. And if they can’t find opportunities to give back, they make new ways and invite other knitters/crocheters to join them. I love […]