Author’s note: I actually wrote this post months ago, so this is February or March Eliza speaking, rather than November Eliza. I’ve since moved my knitting focus to a larger, ongoing project. I’ve probably written in a previous post about how I almost never knit the same thing twice. I get bored too easily, and […]
Simple, Easy Slippers

When my little Munchkin needed slippers this winter, I tried my hand at knitting them rather than buying a pair that he’ll either decide are uncomfortable or outgrow too quickly. There are a lot of awesome slipper patterns out there, but I hadn’t found any that worked for what I specifically wanted: knit (not crochet) […]
Garter Ridge Baby Blanket

It’s baby blanket time again! One of my dear friends from college is pregnant. She’s had several miscarriages, so we’re all extra excited about this rainbow baby. I chose Lion Brand Feels Like Butta yarn because a) it feels amazing and b) I could make a whole blanket with one skein. It’s not quite as […]
Striped Cardigan

I never follow a pattern exactly as written. I try, but it never works. So last year, when I found a cardigan sweater pattern that I loved, I decided I’d try it. No changes. Well, almost no changes. The pattern was Comfiest Knit Cardigan by Mama in a Stitch. I chose to make a size […]
April Sands

This April, my husband and I celebrated our 13th anniversary, and it made me do a lot of reminiscing. We spent our honeymoon in a borrowed beach house in the Outer Banks. While April in North Carolina is warmer than a lot of places (including Vermont, where we got married and had snow), it wasn’t […]
Choose Your Own Adventure Cowl

I had different plans for this yarn, but I second-guessed the yardage needed for that project and decided to make something else with it. A warm, comfy cowl is always a good idea, and this definitely fits the bill. I’ve been wearing it for the past couple of weeks as I wait for spring weather, […]
Ninja Beanie and Cowl

Welcome to 2021! It feels like it’s been a loooong time coming. I know the difficulties of 2020 aren’t totally behind us yet, but I’m hopeful that we can make this a positive year. For my first post of the new year, I’m sharing the Christmas hats that I made for the boys this year. […]
Sideways Pinstripe Hat

I love hats. Some people keep socks on their needles as a quick-win, carry-around-with-them-everywhere project, but I prefer hats. They’re quick and easy, and around here, everyone needs them. I like lightweight hats for spring and fall, heavier hats for the dead of winter, even headbands for when my hair is up. My nephew’s birthday […]
Crochet T-Shirt Rug

The inspiration for this rug goes way back, pre-kids, pre-blog. Every so often I go through a purging phase, where I trash or donate everything that has accumulated that we don’t want or need anymore. I was in one of those phases, sorting through our dressers in our old apartment, and I came across a […]
Zig Zag Rib Charity Block (#14)

Time for another charity block! I had no trouble choosing to try this zig zag rib–it looks so cool! But I expected it to be complicated or at least a little annoying. (I don’t like complex detail work when I’m knitting–you won’t catch me knitting an Aran sweater anytime soon.) As it turns out, I […]