It’s Easter time! I know that not everyone celebrates this holiday (and if that’s you, feel free to skip this post). For me the most important thing by far is remembering Jesus rising from the dead to clear our sins. But it’s also fun to celebrate spring with bunnies and candy-filled eggs and chocolate, so […]
Christmas Gifts to Knit (When You’re Getting Short on Time)

We’re coming up fast on Christmas (we’re almost at Thanksgiving in the US, which means it’s allowable to talk about it) and the other winter holidays. Some of us may have finished our Christmas knitting, but some may not. (The year before last I didn’t finish Little Bear’s hat until after midnight on Christmas Eve.) […]
Santa Beanie

It’s a short-running tradition in our house (by which I mean this is my third-ish year doing it) of my boys getting hand-knit hats for Christmas. Sometimes I try to get opinions from the boys, and sometimes I just make them the hat I think they’ll like best and keep it a surprise. This year […]
Kids’ Halloween Costumes

Happy Halloween! Can we agree right now that kids’ costumes can be the cutest things ever (particularly when they’re on the cutest kids ever)? I looove seeing my boys in their Halloween costumes. Last year they were Buzz Lightyear and a triceratops. This year we’re looking at a stormtrooper and an elephant. And I will […]
Best Handmade Gifts

As the holidays are coming to a close, the shreds of wrapping paper and ribbon are in the trash, the gift bags are folded in the closet to be reused another year, I look with gratitude at my family and all my blessings. It’s a fun time to ask the question: What is the best […]
5 Quick & Easy Hats

Over the last few months I’ve been sharing the patterns for the hats I’ve made as Christmas gifts for family members, but I thought it might be nice to round them all up into one post so you can see them side by side. I designed them with a lot of similarities. They’re all made […]
Mossy Cable Christmas Stockings

“The stockings were hung by the chimney with care…” Okay, to be honest, we don’t really have a chimney. We’ve hung our stockings beside a door frame and across the top of our french doors, depending on which room we’ve put the Christmas tree in. But there’s something nice about having a set of […]
Love Note Pouch
*This post may contain affiliate links.* Alright, I’ll admit it: I don’t like Valentine’s Day. Even after being married to my true love for going on 9 years, I just can’t get on board with it. To begin with, I don’t like pink. Or hearts, really, either. But the bigger reason […]
Knit Snowflake Christmas Stockings
*This post may contain affiliate links.* Christmas is my favorite time of year, hands down. So when I found out I was pregnant with Little Bear, the first thing I decided to knit was a set of Christmas stockings for our first Christmas as a new little family. (Enough of my family […]