It’s Easter time! I know that not everyone celebrates this holiday (and if that’s you, feel free to skip this post). For me the most important thing by far is remembering Jesus rising from the dead to clear our sins. But it’s also fun to celebrate spring with bunnies and candy-filled eggs and chocolate, so […]
Crochet Flip Flop Slippers

A few years ago it seemed like I saw nothing but crocheted slippers and boots with flip-flop soles. They looked cozy and practical, so I bought a few pairs of flip-flops on after-summer clearance at Michaels. And then they sat in my closet. Meanwhile, I broke my foot and later had surgery since it wouldn’t […]
Yoda Hamster

Munchkin loves hamsters. I’m not sure why. He loves all animals. When he was a toddler we used to stop at PetSmart when we were out running errands, just to look at all the animals. Then out of the blue, a few weeks ago, he adopted a hamster magnet as his new favorite toy. But, […]
WIP Wednesday (Summer 2020 Edition)

Time to try another WIP Wednesday post. I’ll start with some finished projects that I haven’t shared yet. I finally finished and sent this Settlers of Catan baby blanket to our game-loving friends. (You can see it in-progress in the last WIP post.) Their daughter is 7 months old now. (I got it there within […]
Crochet T-Shirt Rug

The inspiration for this rug goes way back, pre-kids, pre-blog. Every so often I go through a purging phase, where I trash or donate everything that has accumulated that we don’t want or need anymore. I was in one of those phases, sorting through our dressers in our old apartment, and I came across a […]
WIP Wednesday

There’s an Instagram hashtag, #wipwednesday, that I’ve always liked. It’s fun for me to see what people have on their needles, no matter how unfinished. So I decided to do a post on my own WIPs, just for fun. I currently have four projects on needles. I usually try to keep to two, but I […]
Kids’ Halloween Costumes

Happy Halloween! Can we agree right now that kids’ costumes can be the cutest things ever (particularly when they’re on the cutest kids ever)? I looove seeing my boys in their Halloween costumes. Last year they were Buzz Lightyear and a triceratops. This year we’re looking at a stormtrooper and an elephant. And I will […]
Audiophile Bag

Do you love books? Do you love your local library? Do you love to listen to audiobooks when you’re doing chores around the house? In case you haven’t guessed, my answer to all three questions is a resounding YES!! I live right in between two libraries, and both are amazing. They also have great digital […]
8 Crochet Beach Cover Ups

It’s a bit late for beach cover ups here in the US. We’re moving toward sweater weather instead. But this roundup was inspired by my own trip to the beach in June (where I got a pretty fierce sunburn). And if you’re anything like me, with too many projects going at once, it may take […]

Let’s start by saying: this was supposed to be an ordinary granny square. Just one great big granny, worked from the middle outward. I had half-skeins of blue and white, remnants of other projects, so I planned to do blue and white stripes surrounded by a third color. (Originally the third color was going to […]