Post updated 5/10/2022. I don’t talk about it much here, but I’m a writer. (Yes, blog posts are writing, but that’s not what I mean.) I’ve been writing stories since I was a kid, scribbling complete books on yellow legal pads. None of those early stories were worth much besides practice, but I’ve kept writing. […]
Crochet Flip Flop Slippers

A few years ago it seemed like I saw nothing but crocheted slippers and boots with flip-flop soles. They looked cozy and practical, so I bought a few pairs of flip-flops on after-summer clearance at Michaels. And then they sat in my closet. Meanwhile, I broke my foot and later had surgery since it wouldn’t […]
Ninja Beanie and Cowl

Welcome to 2021! It feels like it’s been a loooong time coming. I know the difficulties of 2020 aren’t totally behind us yet, but I’m hopeful that we can make this a positive year. For my first post of the new year, I’m sharing the Christmas hats that I made for the boys this year. […]
Sideways Pinstripe Hat

I love hats. Some people keep socks on their needles as a quick-win, carry-around-with-them-everywhere project, but I prefer hats. They’re quick and easy, and around here, everyone needs them. I like lightweight hats for spring and fall, heavier hats for the dead of winter, even headbands for when my hair is up. My nephew’s birthday […]
Snowballs in Hogsmeade

Snowballs in Hogsmeade—for sale now on Ravelry You may know this already, but I’m a bit of a Potterhead. I love the Harry Potter books, and whenever I reread them I remember what a brilliant writer Rowling is. I’ve shared Hogwarts house-themed charity blocks and a Harry Potter pattern roundup. And don’t even ask about […]
T. Rex Hat

I’m finally getting around to posting the second of my boys’ Christmas hats. (If you missed Little Bear’s Stormtrooper Hat, check it out!) Munchkin loves dinosaurs, and when I asked what kind of hat he’d like, he very quickly voted for a T. Rex. There are two ways to knit this hat—you can knit it […]
Midnight Wishes

Midnight Wishes is now available on Ravelry I’m at a loss for words as I write this. I’m so full of emotion (excitement, enthusiasm, relief, pride) about this pattern that I just don’t know where to start. So I’ll start at the end, or maybe somewhere in the middle, and work my way around. Midnight […]
Stormtrooper Hat

I’m finally getting around to sharing the hat that I knit for Little Bear this past Christmas. He looooves Star Wars, so I knew he’d love a stormtrooper hat. I liked Sheila Stromberg’s Star Wars hat pattern, but I didn’t want stormtrooper helmets all the way around, so I just followed the stormtrooper section of […]
Jewel Stripes Hat

I try not to buy yarn unless I have a project in mind for it. If I buy it because I love it, there’s a good chance it’ll sit in my stash for years and may never get used. That’s not fair to the yarn OR my budget. But sometimes… I found this Caron x […]
Braided Baby Blanket

My newest nephew was born in November, so of course this summer I dropped everything to make a blanket for him. I wanted it to be simple and warm and—always my most important factor—machine washable. I used Loops and Threads Impeccable, one of my favorite basic worsted weight acrylic yarns, because it’s soft, easy care, […]