This is probably the most basic hat I’ve ever made. And that’s ok (basic isn’t bad)–the yarn is what’s important in this case. This yarn tells a story. Several stories, in fact. You see, I spun this yarn myself. I was interning at my local library during college when a local group put on a […]
Mock Cable Charity Block (#13)

While we’re in the middle of Covid-19 uncertainty and social distancing, charity blocks are an ideal knitting project. They’re easy and quick to finish, so that you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Knitting is great for relieving anxiety, and these blocks are perfect for restless knitting, when you can’t focus on anything complicated—simple rectangles, with […]
Jewel Stripes Hat

I try not to buy yarn unless I have a project in mind for it. If I buy it because I love it, there’s a good chance it’ll sit in my stash for years and may never get used. That’s not fair to the yarn OR my budget. But sometimes… I found this Caron x […]
Charity Block #12: Fishermans Rib

I started playing with the fisherman’s rib stitch because it looked like a nice, slightly different 1×1 rib. (I found the pattern on I didn’t realize until I actually started to knit that it’s a single-color brioche stitch. It’s not done at all like the two-color brioche that I used to make my color […]
Charity Block #11: Slipped Rib

I found this stitch pattern in a book I got for Christmas: 750 Knitting Stitches. I decided to try it out because I have two baby blankets to make this year, and it looked like a simple, cute, and cozy stitch pattern to use for one of them. (I ended up going a different way […]
Basic Grocery Bag

I didn’t bring any knitting supplies when I went to Ireland. I was afraid the needles would be confiscated by the TSA (this was only 2006), and I naively assumed that in a country so full of sheep, yarn shops would be easy to find. Not so. I went through withdrawal by my third day […]
Tunisian Double Seed Stitch Charity Block

After learning (and falling in love with) Tunisian simple stitch, I decided to try one of TL Yarn Crafts’ other video tutorials to learn a new stitch pattern. I followed the fourth video to learn the double seed stitch (the video is actually for making a coaster, but I adjusted the number of stitches, and […]
Tunisian Simple Stitch Charity Block

I’ve said a few times how much I’ve wanted to learn Tunisian crochet. I saw it in photos on Instagram a year or so ago and was mind-blown that this thing existed, something that looked like an incredible blend of knitting and crochet. I put it immediately on my to-learn list, but it took a […]
Winter Headband

I have not gotten on the messy bun beanie bandwagon, in part because I mostly put my hat on just to take the dog out. I just throw my hat on over my ponytail, go outside, then come back in and take it off. But sometimes that just doesn’t work for me. So I decided […]
Silly Old Bear Hat

Munchkin loves Winnie the Pooh. This is convenient, because I had two skeins of yellow yarn leftover from a scrapped Bob the Builder “hard hat” that I gave up on making for Little Bear last year. (He got a monster hat instead.) Both boys needed new winter hats this year, and it’s become a tradition […]