I love trying out new stitch and color patterns on my blocks for Warm Up America, but sometimes I like going back to the basics: those old familiar stitches that don’t require thought. This is one of them. It’s usually called moss stitch, but recently I’ve also heard it called double seed stitch. It’s really […]
Knit and Crochet Kitchen Essentials

Having spent a lot of extra time at home over the last several months due to Covid-19, I’ve spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I’ve been cooking dinners at home (not that that’s unusual for us), but I’ve also been experimenting with baking. My little helpers and I have made chocolate chip cookies, […]
WIP Wednesday (Summer 2020 Edition)

Time to try another WIP Wednesday post. I’ll start with some finished projects that I haven’t shared yet. I finally finished and sent this Settlers of Catan baby blanket to our game-loving friends. (You can see it in-progress in the last WIP post.) Their daughter is 7 months old now. (I got it there within […]
Crochet T-Shirt Rug

The inspiration for this rug goes way back, pre-kids, pre-blog. Every so often I go through a purging phase, where I trash or donate everything that has accumulated that we don’t want or need anymore. I was in one of those phases, sorting through our dressers in our old apartment, and I came across a […]
T. Rex Hat

I’m finally getting around to posting the second of my boys’ Christmas hats. (If you missed Little Bear’s Stormtrooper Hat, check it out!) Munchkin loves dinosaurs, and when I asked what kind of hat he’d like, he very quickly voted for a T. Rex. There are two ways to knit this hat—you can knit it […]
10 Knit Summer Tops

Summer vacation does not mean it’s time to stop knitting! (You knew that already, though, right?) Summer means lighter knits and cute summer tops, and I have a roundup of both! These summery tops are the perfect lightweight projects for sunny weather. Tanks Tejela by Tanja Loumai Balta by Gudrun Johnston Woodstock by DROPS Design […]
Zig Zag Rib Charity Block (#14)

Time for another charity block! I had no trouble choosing to try this zig zag rib–it looks so cool! But I expected it to be complicated or at least a little annoying. (I don’t like complex detail work when I’m knitting–you won’t catch me knitting an Aran sweater anytime soon.) As it turns out, I […]
Midnight Wishes

Midnight Wishes is now available on Ravelry I’m at a loss for words as I write this. I’m so full of emotion (excitement, enthusiasm, relief, pride) about this pattern that I just don’t know where to start. So I’ll start at the end, or maybe somewhere in the middle, and work my way around. Midnight […]
The Hat of Firsts

This is probably the most basic hat I’ve ever made. And that’s ok (basic isn’t bad)–the yarn is what’s important in this case. This yarn tells a story. Several stories, in fact. You see, I spun this yarn myself. I was interning at my local library during college when a local group put on a […]
Brioche Knitting Patterns

A year or two ago, everyone’s list of New Year’s knitting resolutions included learning to knit brioche. Did yours? How did the knitting go—did you try brioche? Did you love it? If you haven’t tried it yet and you want to try something easy, start with my Easy Color Block Brioche Scarf. It’s super simple […]