I’ve been crocheting a blanket for Munchkin, since he’s getting big enough to need one in his crib/toddler bed this winter. (I want to keep him in the crib for as long as I can, but I’m betting he’ll be in the toddler bed before spring!) It has me thinking about crochet blankets and noticing […]
Harry Potter Knit & Crochet Patterns

In honor of Halloween I decided to do a roundup of my favorite Harry Potter patterns, both knit and crochet, since (in case you didn’t know) I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. If you, like me, can’t get enough of the wizarding world, cast on a couple of these! Crochet: What’s cozier than snuggling up […]
5 Free Crochet Bag Patterns

I have a habit of accumulating bags. Purses, tote bags, you name it. (Not so much knitting project bags yet, although that needs to start.) Here are 5 free crochet bag patterns of all sorts for everyone else who loves bags, or who has a justifiable need for an amazing handmade tote. Because who doesn’t? […]
Green Apple Blanket

When my friend told me she was getting married, I immediately thought of a blanket for her. Some backstory: A. and I met in seventh grade and were inseparable through middle school and high school. We survived horrible Spanish teachers together. We skipped our senior prom and went to see Shrek 2 instead. With […]
Crochet Half Hexagon

The problem with hexagons is that they don’t give you a straight edge. When making a blanket with them, the rows are offset, leaving gaps at the ends. (Sorry I didn’t post more of a picture–I’m trying to keep the blanket a little bit of a surprise until it’s finished!) For me, […]
Crochet Modified Hexagon

I decided a few months ago to crochet a hexagon blanket for my friend’s wedding. I’d never crocheted a hexagon before, so I followed Make & Do Crew’s tutorial. (It’s a great tutorial, by the way—clear and easy to follow. If you’re new to hexagons, start there.) But I didn’t like how tight and […]