When my friend told me she was getting married, I immediately thought of a blanket for her. Some backstory: A. and I met in seventh grade and were inseparable through middle school and high school. We survived horrible Spanish teachers together. We skipped our senior prom and went to see Shrek 2 instead. With […]
Author: Eliza Prokopovits
Crochet Half Hexagon

The problem with hexagons is that they don’t give you a straight edge. When making a blanket with them, the rows are offset, leaving gaps at the ends. (Sorry I didn’t post more of a picture–I’m trying to keep the blanket a little bit of a surprise until it’s finished!) For me, […]
Crochet Modified Hexagon

I decided a few months ago to crochet a hexagon blanket for my friend’s wedding. I’d never crocheted a hexagon before, so I followed Make & Do Crew’s tutorial. (It’s a great tutorial, by the way—clear and easy to follow. If you’re new to hexagons, start there.) But I didn’t like how tight and […]
Charity Block #6: Pearl Brioche

Do you ever have small projects that turn into much-bigger-than-they-should-be projects? I love knitting these charity blocks because they’re a nice short break between (or in the middle of) big projects. But this one took longer than usual, and it’s mostly because I wasn’t paying attention. The first time I tried it, I got a […]
Charity Block #5: Gryffindor Scarf Stripes

Can you believe that the 20th anniversary of the release of the Harry Potter books was just a few weeks ago? I feel old. I remember waiting in the checkout line at a bookstore with my grandma (yes, an actual in-person bookstore; they still existed then), and seeing a display of the first two books. […]
Himalaya Baby Blanket

Do you ever have an idea months or years in advance for a gift you might make for someone given a certain eventuality? Maybe the perfect wedding gift for a friend/relative who’s not even engaged yet, or a Christmas gift that will be perfect for someone, someday? I have a few gift plans like that, […]
Increasing: How to Make One (m1 and m1r)

I wasn’t a fan of the make one (m1) increase when I first tried it. I’ve always used k1fb, and it has worked well for almost every project. But m1 has the advantage of blending in a little better to the stitches around it, and sometimes you need that. After using m1 and its reverse, […]
Mini Baby Lovey

Munchkin is a terrible sleeper. Actually, that’s not quite fair. He was a terrible sleeper. He has gotten immeasurably better over the past year. For the first six months, he wouldn’t nap unless I was holding him in our Ergobaby carrier. I would walk in a quiet room for half an hour until he […]
Increasing: How to Knit One in Front and Back (k1fb)

Knit one in front and back (k1fb) is a common increase stitch, and it’s really easy once you get the hang of it. You start by knitting the stitch as you normally would (through the front loop, or the part of the stitch that is in front of the needle), but you do NOT slide […]
Charity Block #4: Sherbet Seersucker

I tried a new stitch pattern for this next WUA! charity block, and I absolutely love it. It’s called the seersucker stitch. I found the pattern here– knitpurlstitches.com has loads of different stitch patterns you can do with just (you guessed it) the knit and purl stitches. I’ve written the pattern out a little differently […]