It’s Easter time! I know that not everyone celebrates this holiday (and if that’s you, feel free to skip this post). For me the most important thing by far is remembering Jesus rising from the dead to clear our sins. But it’s also fun to celebrate spring with bunnies and candy-filled eggs and chocolate, so […]
Choose Your Own Adventure Cowl

I had different plans for this yarn, but I second-guessed the yardage needed for that project and decided to make something else with it. A warm, comfy cowl is always a good idea, and this definitely fits the bill. I’ve been wearing it for the past couple of weeks as I wait for spring weather, […]
Dragon Magic Cowl

Post updated 5/10/2022. I don’t talk about it much here, but I’m a writer. (Yes, blog posts are writing, but that’s not what I mean.) I’ve been writing stories since I was a kid, scribbling complete books on yellow legal pads. None of those early stories were worth much besides practice, but I’ve kept writing. […]
Crochet Flip Flop Slippers

A few years ago it seemed like I saw nothing but crocheted slippers and boots with flip-flop soles. They looked cozy and practical, so I bought a few pairs of flip-flops on after-summer clearance at Michaels. And then they sat in my closet. Meanwhile, I broke my foot and later had surgery since it wouldn’t […]
Waffle Charity Block

I love 1×1 waffle stitch. I used it in my Winter Headband and Herald Angels Hat. So I’m surprised I haven’t made a charity block with it yet. It’s incredibly simple, just knit and purl, but the texture is awesome. I honestly think I could make a dozen blocks with this stitch (and this is […]
Ninja Beanie and Cowl

Welcome to 2021! It feels like it’s been a loooong time coming. I know the difficulties of 2020 aren’t totally behind us yet, but I’m hopeful that we can make this a positive year. For my first post of the new year, I’m sharing the Christmas hats that I made for the boys this year. […]
Christmas Gifts to Knit (When You’re Getting Short on Time)

We’re coming up fast on Christmas (we’re almost at Thanksgiving in the US, which means it’s allowable to talk about it) and the other winter holidays. Some of us may have finished our Christmas knitting, but some may not. (The year before last I didn’t finish Little Bear’s hat until after midnight on Christmas Eve.) […]
Yoda Hamster

Munchkin loves hamsters. I’m not sure why. He loves all animals. When he was a toddler we used to stop at PetSmart when we were out running errands, just to look at all the animals. Then out of the blue, a few weeks ago, he adopted a hamster magnet as his new favorite toy. But, […]
Sideways Pinstripe Hat

I love hats. Some people keep socks on their needles as a quick-win, carry-around-with-them-everywhere project, but I prefer hats. They’re quick and easy, and around here, everyone needs them. I like lightweight hats for spring and fall, heavier hats for the dead of winter, even headbands for when my hair is up. My nephew’s birthday […]
Snowballs in Hogsmeade

Snowballs in Hogsmeade—for sale now on Ravelry You may know this already, but I’m a bit of a Potterhead. I love the Harry Potter books, and whenever I reread them I remember what a brilliant writer Rowling is. I’ve shared Hogwarts house-themed charity blocks and a Harry Potter pattern roundup. And don’t even ask about […]