Do you ever have an idea months or years in advance for a gift you might make for someone given a certain eventuality? Maybe the perfect wedding gift for a friend/relative who’s not even engaged yet, or a Christmas gift that will be perfect for someone, someday? I have a few gift plans like that, […]
Mini Baby Lovey

Munchkin is a terrible sleeper. Actually, that’s not quite fair. He was a terrible sleeper. He has gotten immeasurably better over the past year. For the first six months, he wouldn’t nap unless I was holding him in our Ergobaby carrier. I would walk in a quiet room for half an hour until he […]
Charity Block #4: Sherbet Seersucker

I tried a new stitch pattern for this next WUA! charity block, and I absolutely love it. It’s called the seersucker stitch. I found the pattern here– has loads of different stitch patterns you can do with just (you guessed it) the knit and purl stitches. I’ve written the pattern out a little differently […]
Charity Blocks #2&3: Slytherin & Hufflepuff Stripes
Have you ever been sorted into your Hogwarts house? Just this week I took the official test at J.K. Rowling’s site Pottermore and was sorted into Ravenclaw. (It requires you to set up a user account to access the sorting hat, but I’m enough of a Potterhead that it didn’t bother me – though […]
Charity Block #1: Wide Cable
There comes a time in a knitter’s life when they run out of people to knit for. That time varies from knitter to knitter, depending on how many hats and scarves and sweaters any one person needs and on how receptive their friends and family members are to those gifts. That is the perfect […]
Baby Wrap Sweater
*This post may contain affiliate links.* I’ve been looking for an excuse to make this sweater for years. I stumbled across the book Greetings from Knit Café, by Suzan Mischer, in my local library and loved the patterns, so I got my own copy. Some of the designs are fairly impractical (a […]
Love Note Pouch
*This post may contain affiliate links.* Alright, I’ll admit it: I don’t like Valentine’s Day. Even after being married to my true love for going on 9 years, I just can’t get on board with it. To begin with, I don’t like pink. Or hearts, really, either. But the bigger reason […]
Baby Socks Again
Back in November, I knit a pair of socks for Munchkin with a pattern from Red Heart Yarns. The pattern was great, but it didn’t end up being quite what I wanted. For one thing, they were a little small–if it’s cold enough that I want Munchkin to wear warm, hand-knit socks, then it’s […]
Knit Snowflake Christmas Stockings
*This post may contain affiliate links.* Christmas is my favorite time of year, hands down. So when I found out I was pregnant with Little Bear, the first thing I decided to knit was a set of Christmas stockings for our first Christmas as a new little family. (Enough of my family […]
Baby Socks
*This post may contain affiliate links.* Winter is here. It’s time for hats, scarves, and in Munchkin’s case, booties. The booties I made for Little Bear for his first winter are too big for Munchkin, so I was looking around for a quick, easy, and simple sock or bootie pattern that would stay on […]