Happy Halloween!
Can we agree right now that kids’ costumes can be the cutest things ever (particularly when they’re on the cutest kids ever)?
I looove seeing my boys in their Halloween costumes. Last year they were Buzz Lightyear and a triceratops. This year we’re looking at a stormtrooper and an elephant.
And I will confess: as much as I love making stuff, I have more or less washed my hands of making costumes, unless it’s something really easy. It just doesn’t seem worth the time and effort when they’ll wear it for one night and immediately outgrow it.
But if you’re rolling your eyes at me right now and muttering to yourself that it’s absolutely worth the time, and how much time do I think it takes to make a little costume anyway, then I have just the roundup for you. (And if you just like to look at cute kids in adorable costumes, you’ll love this.)
I’ve gathered some of my favorite handmade costume tutorials—some knit, some crochet, some just crafty with yarn. They’re for kids of all sizes (some will even work for adults). So take a look, be inspired, and treat your little pumpkin to some fun.
Baby Bat Costume by Amanda from Love Life Yarn

Beast Costume Gloves by Nadia of YARNutopia

Witch Costume by Melissa of Lovable Loops

And a few others that I don’t have photos for, but are well worth clicking through to check out:
Legend of Zelda Tunic and Hat by Saranne of The Whistling Bluebird
Wonder Woman Outfit by Ariana Hall
Mandrake Baby Hat by Bethany of Whistle and Ivy
Only one knit costume made my list this time: Halloween Mummy Hat by Cassie from Little Red Window

If you know of any other adorable knit patterns, please share them in the comments!
Other Yarn Crafts
We all know that yarn is good for a million things beyond knitting and crochet. Check out this Yarn Fox Tail by Marissa of Squirrels of a Feather:

And if you’re into beards, especially of the dwarven variety, take a look at this Dwarven Yarn Beard on Instructables. (It would make a good viking beard, too.)
What are your favorite Halloween patterns?