I’m so excited to introduce you to my next guest interview: Maria from Maria’s Blue Crayon. Maria was one of my first blogger friends on Instagram. She’s super sweet and incredibly creative. Her crochet creations are adorable, especially the creature designs she makes for kids!
1. When/how did you learn to crochet?
I was around 8 years old when my mom taught me to crochet. I don’t remember the details but I do remember that double crochets and popcorn stitches were the first stitches I learned. My mom loved (and still loves) to work with thread yarn and make doilies and table covers. I remember specifically the project she was working on involved popcorn stitches and double crochets and she showed me how to do it and let me help!
2. How did you get into designing?
Before I started designing patterns and sharing them, I crocheted items to sell. This was really hard for me to do because marketing isn’t really my thing. At the time, I was already making patterns my own and coming up with new ideas. I mostly made character hats and hats for kids so this was really fun for me to play around with. When I realized crocheting and selling wasn’t for me, I ventured head first into blogging and never looked back! I’m so glad I did because I love creating and designing different things all the time versus making multiples of each item when selling.
3. What about the craft do you find most rewarding?
The finished product! I love that I can turn yarn into something wearable/usable and I love when people compliment my work. I think making things with yarn is a really special skill and I often take for granted that I have this skill.
4. Are there any aspects of yarn-crafting that you avoid?
Weaving in the ends. I can’t tell you how many “finished” projects I own where the ends aren’t weaved in, especially blankets.
5. Is there one crafting/designing tip someone has given you that has stuck with you?
This isn’t directly related to designing but more of my role as the person behind the designing. I have a group of crochet blogger friends that say there will be people who are negative and can bring you down, but look at all the people who uplift you and support your work because there are more of those people than the negative. Basically, don’t let one person get you down because they are just a blip in your sea of support.
6. What skill would you still like to learn?
If we are talking yarn related, I would love to learn how to spin yarn! I have no idea what it involves, but I think it would be really special to crochet with yarn that you have spun yourself.
7. What/who is your greatest source of inspiration?
Every day life! A lot of the things I make are practical and things I wear regularly.
8. If you could have a yarn superpower, what would it be? (Sewing in ends with the snap of your fingers, all your math always works out perfectly…you name it!)
I would LOVE to have a superpower where my pattern is written out as I’m crocheting/designing. It’s not my favorite part of the designing process and to be honest, I shy away from designing anything too complicated because of it!
Check out Maria’s adorable designs:

Crochet Velvet Cardigan Sweater