About Me

Hi! I’m Eliza! I’m a writer (you can see my writing here), knitting designer, and stay-at-home mom to two smart and adorable boys. I spend my days trying to keep up–with the boys, the housekeeping, my crazy to-do list…–and striving to give glory to God in all that I do.

I love all types of arts and crafts, and you’ll find me experimenting with jewelry, photography, painting… pretty much anything I can get my hands on. But my always-and-forever go-to is knitting.

I’m a third generation yarn crafter, taught by my mom and grandmother. I’ve been knitting since age five, and even when I’ve taken breaks from knitting, I never stay away long. (Just ask my husband about my withdrawal symptoms when I have nothing on my needles. It isn’t pretty.)

I love to teach knitting. My goal is to help knitters find their best project to knit next, and to help them learn whatever new skills they need to complete it well.

“Squigglidinks” was the name my husband teasingly gave the yarn shop/bookstore I once dreamed of owning. While the shop is not likely to happen, the name stuck. So let’s imagine ourselves in a quiet, happy place, surrounded by luxurious yarn, good books, good people, and the snacks and hot drink of your choice (hot chocolate with chocolate chip scones, anyone?) and let’s do some yarn crafting together.

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